
07 Jan: Virtual4 and its allies Camilo López and Hugo Buitrago from the University of Antioquia, explain during their visit to the Basque Country the project of immersive technologies for Reconciliation and Peace

En el marco de la sede de innovación UniMetaTech, que busca ser un espacio donde se potencien las competencias tecnológicas y de innovación contribuyendo al desarrollo de la región, Virtual4 implementa una nueva sala de tecnologías inmersivas bajo la plataforma VIROO.

virtual4 Ean VIROO Camara comercio españa en colombia VRLab realidad virtual tecnologias inmersivas

28 Oct: The Board of Directors of the Official Chamber of Commerce of Spain in Colombia visits the VR Laboratory of the Ean University & VIRTUAL4, a brand of the GCON4 group

The members of the Board of Directors had the opportunity to learn about the agreement signed between both affiliates (Ean & Virtual4) in relation to the VRLab VIROO, and to try out different immersive experiences developed.

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03 Oct: The Virtual City of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Colombia, developed and created by VIRTUAL4 (brand of the GCON4 group)

Virtual4, ha desarrollado la Ciudad Virtual de la Cámara de Comercio de España en Colombia, proyecto piloto de un mundo virtual, que permitirá a las diferentes empresas afiliadas a la Cámara empezar a comprender y familiarizarse con las aplicabilidades prácticas de este tipo de espacios, ya utilizados en el ámbito de eventos, congresos, reuniones, museos, educación etc.

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07 Mar: Virtual4, the Ean University and the GAIA Cluster in the VIROO room of the Bizkaia Technology Park with Leyre Madariaga, Director of Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship of the Basque Government

Virtual4, Ean University and the GAIA Cluster in the VIROO room of the Bizkaia Technology Park with Leyre Madariaga, Director…